We all are aware of the word psychotherapy but when asked many of us are not able to explain the details. So what exactly is psychotherapy? How can it be helpful? When do we need it? And most importantly, how can i choose a therapist for myself? Let’s find answers to all our queries here.
Psychotherapy is a collaborative process, where a psychologist and patient work together to identify specific concerns and develop concrete skills and techniques for coping with any ongoing situational or psychological issue.
Every therapist has different approaches. Some are ardent followers of a particular therapy style (e.g. you might have heard of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). While some follow “eclectic” approach which means they conduct the therapy session by picking up suitable techniques as per the situation and condition of the patient. Both approaches can work wonders, depending on the therapist. Main goals of therapy sessions are:
Identifying the issue/root cause
Working on acceptance of the patient
Structuring therapy sessions to resolve the key issues one by one
You can seek therapy sessions whenever you are not able to pinpoint the issue for some key life problem. You feel stuck mentally, which we call mental blockage/psychological barrier - which means that because of some reason or thought you are not able to function properly. It is also useful for any behaviour that is affecting the daily routine for you and people around you. It is also recommended when you feel any discomforting emotion everyday and are not able to manage it on your own. One can also approach a therapist if he/she feels that their relationships are going for a toss.
It is very important to build the professional connect with the therapist. It is very important that you should feel that your therapist understands you well and can plan therapy accordingly. At times it happens that your therapist identifies some issue that offends you. In such a situation, you should take some time off and rethink. You can always ask your therapist about his/ her style of therapy plan and what are his/her viewpoints on practice.
Remember, just because you one experience of therapy gone wrong with one, does not mean that therapy is not useful. It is very much helpful, all you have to do is find the right one for you. It is similar to finding the medicinal doctor for yourself, whose medicines suit you the best.